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2013-9-16 10:57| 发布者: brooke| 查看: 6025| 评论: 0

摘要: 首先,FRM考试的通过与否取决于2009年全球考生整体答题正确率有多高。GARP会取全球最高分的一部分考生(比如5%)的平均成绩,再乘以一定比率(比如75%)得出一个通过分数线,以此来衡量其他考生是否通过考试。GARP s ...


GARP says they take the top 5th quantile (i.e., whatever score cutoffs the top 5th “percentile”), then they take a ratio (e.g., 0.75) of that top score. I personally suspect the ratio (0.X of top 5%) is calibrated after the results are tabulated to approximate a ~50% pass result; or, best case, they use .75 of top 5% (e.g., if 0.75* top 5% only passes a small % due to high difficulty, I doubt they would keep it).

But, either way, it’s really based on an (ex post) “grading on a curve” (no segmentation by section/topic, all questions weigh equally)...therefore: I do not think you can divine anything useful from the method. Unfortunately, it’s a waiting game.



Following is the analysis of your performance in each of the exam categories:

1.Credit Risk Measurement and Management

You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.

2.Market Risk Measurement and Management

You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.

3.Operational and Integrated Risk Management

You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.

4.Quantitative Analysis

You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.

5.Risk Management and Investment Management

You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.






