信用风险管理与测量这一部分,首先增加了Central Counterparties (集中交易方)这一考点。其他在删除了Credit Derivatives and Credit-Linked Notes,The Structuring Process,Cash Collateralized Debt Obligations 这几个部分的同时,增加了Credit Scoring and Retail Credit Risk Management, The Credit Transfer Markets and Their Implications 这两个知识点。
操作风险这一部分改变较大,首先reference增加了巴塞尔协议3里“the net stable funding ratio”这个部分;此外,删除了Internal Loss Data、Capital Allocation and Performance Measurement、Basel I, Basel II and Solvency II、Basel 2.5, Basel III, and Dodd-Frank这几个点,与此同时增加了以下这些知识点:
1.OpRisk Data and Governance
2.Risk Capital Attribution and Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
3.Estimating Liquidity Risks
4.Basel I, Basel II, and Solvency II;Basel II.5, Basel III, and Other Post-Crisis Changes