到现在都没有消息,肯定是挂了~版面上有好几个同学拿到了intern offer,在这里非常恭喜他们啊,也听说有同学上周五拿到FT offer~我所有的投行面试都结束了,已经与这个行业无缘了,虽然不舍但是必须得要承受这个结果。 简单说一下终面吧,四个面试官,各自半小时一对一的面试。主要问题包括: Behavior and competency: 1 Why HSBC? Why IBD? Why are you suitable for the job? What makes you stand out? Three words to describe yourself. 2 Heavy emphasis on your resume (what you've done? what you've learnt? what is the industry? tell me something about the industry?) 3 Weakness/teamwork/... 4 Understanding of IB (what they do, life style, etc...) Technical: 5 How to write pitch boosk for M&A case (buy-side and sell-side) and IPO deal? (structure, key issue?) 6 Tell me an M&A/IPO deal that you are interested in. 7 Valuation techniques (methods, pros and cons, how to use in a practical case) 差不多就以上这些了,面试官基本上比较nice,有个别时候非常tough,总体上觉得他们culture很好,然后deal flow也不错,如果后来者有机会能够拿到一定要珍惜啊。我是差不多没希望了,未来将会投入到其他子行业去了。关于面试该说的都说完了,如果没什么太多变化也不会常来这里了,后来者加油! |